Friday, January 19, 2007

10 Hrs of Knitting Ahead and More

I am off for 4 days on a road trip with son and daughter. It is to visit my mother in the far northern part of California. But this is one of the few trips I don't have to drive. You know what that means.......... 5 hours of knitting each way !!!!! Whoopieeeee. I am taking my Clapotis and a small scarf with me. I should finish the scarf easy and put rows on the Clapotis. We are staying at a new B&B in my home town. This B&B was owned by my grandmother during my growing up time. The current owners have named one of the rooms after my Grandmother Mollie. I havn't stayed in this house for about 44 yrs. They have fixed it up so nice. My Ipod is loaded with new podcasts (knitting of course) and a few news talk shows for me to catch up on. The weather looks cold but no storms (whew). I am leaving you with photo's of 2 Christmas gifts from last year. I am posting this with hopes I get movtivated earlier this year to make a few gifts. To the left is a ribbon shawl pattern. One that is a combo of 2 different patterns. To the right are the first pair of Fetching Gloves, from, I made.

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