Sunday, May 06, 2007

More of an update on life with no photos.

A post with no pictures. That is different for me. I have not had time to take pictures lately. But I did finish the OOOOlala socks. Finished 2 of the one skein shawls from Knitters Review. Ok Ok, I cheated I used a skein and half as the yarn I bought on sale was less yardage than the one Clara used. I also downsized the needles to a 13. I love the mindless knitting of this pattern. I can do this while in group knitting. I am always amazed at those that knit lace. I can't do it. Lace requires a closet, alone, no phone, no cat, no TV, no distractions. I am currently carrying around 3 items in my basket. The last 1 skein shawl, a pair of socks from Lorna's Lace yarn. The tops have cables and lace. That even may be the name of the pattern. The third item is the mitered squares from Mason Dixon. I am hooked on these. I bought some of the new Cotton Ease from Lions Brand. Well really only 2 sks. I hope I can make a pillow top for my new studio, and in doing this, the illness of mitered sqs passes me. I just loved following Cara from Her blogging for last month has been all about making these. Her 85 color choices are beautiful. But I have way to much other knitting to do to take on her project. One pillow will be it I am thinking. We have been 1 week with out the Frog Pond Knitting groups. So far its all worked out great. We were at Starbucks today, last Weds we went to the Head Frogs house and knitted and again Tuesday we will be at Quarry Pond.
I have finished painting windows, baseboard and door frames for studio. I am loving putting the room back together and arranging it 'my' way this time. I haven't started moving the 'stash' back in yet. That is coming around slowly. Books are all put away. Magazines all sorted by dates in holders. Awwwwwww organization is always good!!!!! Now to keep it this way. Last thing I need for room is curtains. New windows are on the south side and soon I will fry with sun most of the day here. Winters will be lovely as the room will warm up with the sun. I have picked out some roman shades at World Market. I am waiting for a coupon so I can go get them.
Pictures to follow of both room and knitting.

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