Sunday, May 25, 2008

Who Knew? Buttons!

Who knew that there was a Button Society, Button Clubs!!!! Serious people with magnifying glasses, small flashlights around their necks, searching boxes, cards of buttons. How was I to know there were antique buttons selling for huge amounts of money! Felted and I attended a Button Show on Saturday morning only to discover this was serious collecting. We went with the intentions of finding some unique buttons to use on our knitted sweaters and/or make some easy jewelry.
The above button is a one of a kind. I just love the curves of it and the neutral color. I bought it with the intention it would make an outstanding statement on a swing jacket. Something simple. Yesterday afternoon I found the yarn (but did not buy) that matched this and a pattern of a seed stitch swing jacket!! Perfect. I am just not in a yarn buying frame of mind. But the plan is there in my mind.

This set of buttons are old, made of celluloid. They are very light in weight which would be terrific on a sweater. I have a vision of a simple black sweater, with 6 of these down the front. The buttons would be the statement of the sweater. The one large button on upper left corner again would be a great single button on a jacket. These buttons are pre plastic and are probably from the 30's.

The buttons to the right are plastic, most probably from the 40's. There was enough for a sweater and at 6 for a dollar or 25 cents each. How could I go wrong at the price. It beats buying new buttons. The color is very accurate. Not sure what they will show up on but I love them. Mainly that they came from my 'era'. Beings a 40's child I can relate to them.

These 3 buttons are nicely stacked to make a broach or pin which ever you choose to call it. It is a matter of finding some buttons of different shapes and sizes that stack together to make designs. These came from a 10 cent 'poke' basket as the collectors call them. All in all it was an interesting venture, with minimal costs and fun finds.

1 comment:

Debbie T said...

Dang, wish I had known about that show/sale! I have a huge collection of buttons and love every single one of them. Where was this at Janice?