So in place of knitting on the Oblique and the complaint of a few friends, I knitted this mindless scarf. My friends have pointed out that I seldom make myself something with color, and that gray is not a color. I do always tend to choose dark or gray colors. I think I might be blending in with the wallpaper of life and never stand out. Mindless knitting seems to be my strong point. Why oh why can't I knit lace projects? Why do they seem to always get the best of me.
The baby is growing, life has settled back down for son and family. The older grandkids are adoring having a small bundle of joy to hold and love. I hope it last throught the years when they are ask to babysit!!
I had a wonderful day with my 9 year old granddaughter, we all refer to as Roo, yesterday. We went bead shopping, for a long walk, watched a movie and had a great dinner. Love my day with her, she is so sweet and artistic.
This coming Friday is Stitches West Market day for a few of us. Leaving early on Friday morn, shop til we drop, then return home. I am this time going to Stitches with a plan. I have a couple patterns picked out and if I find the yarn for them there better yet. I went on Yarn overload at my first stitches a couple years ago. Hopefully with a 'plan' I will remain calm and collected. We shall see huh Linda.
I'm with you on both the bright colors being worn as well as the concentration needed for lace work.
The newest grandchild is so wee and cute!
I think the colors you're using for the Noro scarf would be gorgeous on YOU! Ain't nuttin' wrong with some mindless knittin'...I've been known to hanker for some of it myself from time to time. :=)
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