Home after a successful trip to Stitches West 2008
The road trip is over, the day of recovery behind me and now to reap the rewards and enjoy the goodies of Stitches West 2008. We arrived a few minutes before the doors opened and got in line with the rest of the power shoppers. You could hear everyone counting down the seconds till the doors opened...... 5.........4........3.....2....1 and the doors opened. With in seconds we were all inside. Which way to go, what to see first?? We went to the Ravelry Booth, signed in for our passport books, and a Hello button we put our name on. They were so swamped right off, we didn't have a chance to tell the girls what a fab job they have done with the best ever Knitting Community. The above photo is the yarn I bought. Bottom left is Peruvian Tweed 100% Alpaca bought from the Yarn Barn, in a brown/gray/blue colorway. 600 yard per skein. This is for a cardigan for myself. The yarn on the right is 70/30 Fine Wool - Bamboo called "Willow" from Brook Farms Yarn. 400 yds per skein. Beautiful feeling yarn. On top of the pile is some Socks that Rock from Blue Moon Fiber Arts. In the colorway Rare Gems. I have always wanted to try some of their sock yarn but in most cases when you get to market there is none left. We went directly to the Blue Moon booth as soon as we left Ravelry's booth. I think this was the same path most were running to. There was a line already started here. The skeins hanging on the wall of the booth were breath taking. I had always wanted to see what colorway I was wanting before I bought. Somehow buying off the Internet was just not the same. I love the colors of this skein they will make up in some bright socks. (for myself of course) Everywhere you looked there were yarns, designs and gadgets to amaze. Some new designs in jackets, felted items.... it is sensory overload!
This is the 'goodie' photo. Booths that gave away free buttons got collected. Then I purchased one pin in the shape of a sweater. It has the words Hand Knit on it. Very cute item to wear when out to catch the eye of other knitters. I bought the DPN sock holders. They came 2 to a package and were at the Yarn Barn booth. Have only seen them one other time when a fellow knitter had some. I also bought a pattern for a knitted bag from La Lana Wools of Taos This a booth I had bought patterns from 2 years ago at Stitches West. My last purchases of the day was a knitting satchel bag from Jordana Paige . I first saw this bag 2 years ago and drooled over it then. Since that time have seen several knitters using the bag. I could no longer resist. We got to meet Jordana Paige at her booth, and I have to say she is a smart very pretty young lady who is out dealing with the business world and I hope she makes it. Very sweet lady. The difference in this visit to Stitches and my past 2 visits, is I went with a plan. I had 5 patterns that I had taken the info on, such as gauge and yardage, and thought if I see what I want for any of these that will be my yarn purchases. No more just seeing yarn and buying with out a plan. I found yarn for 2 of the patterns and that was just right. I did know I wanted some Brooks Farm... just not which pattern it would go for. I like to touch and see the colorways before I buy but I also like to get something 'special' that you can't buy at any yarn shops. All in all it was a great day, and considering how sick I had been for the week before, with a cold, I did well. We drove off at 4:45 pm after spending a day wandering thru every booth we could. There were several spinning and fiber booths, buttons and beads, leather and wood handles for bags and any imaginable thing you could think of there. As for what I saw other shoppers wearing this year seem to be mostly mitered square items, shawls, sweaters and vests. I also saw a lot of lacy shawls. I will be following other bloggers reports from Stitches West 2008. I know I missed seeing lotsssssss!!
Thank you so much for the report and your photo! What a wonderful day(s) for everyone.
Terry Sailingknitter
Glad you had a great time Janice!
So...you are one of the many that cleaned out some of the vendors before Saturday! Next time I will either have to take the day off or give you my order.
Looks like you made out pretty good. I love the knitting bag :-)
I know someone who is still waiting for socks from you.....hmmmmm....teehee get going Jan! Glad you had a mah-velous time.
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