I should named this Destroy and Knit. I started Jaywalker socks. Love the colors, BUT I was on a 0 needle size and should of been on a 1 and half size needle. I don't know what I was thinking. I did photo it before frogging it. And still love the colorway. This is Trekking sock yarn. I am off in a bit to get a pair of Crystal Palace needles in right size. I also finished a pair of VooDoo fingerless gloves from Knitty. They are made of Debbie Bliss Cashmerino. Very soft and I am liking these. I made them long enough they go up under the coat cuff and no cool air on the arms. They also let you drive with some grip on the wheel. My second Picture today is Baby Hats. The white one is for the small one we hope to welcome into the family soon. The blue hat is for a lady at work. All I know is her name and that she is having a baby boy. I can't speak Spanish and she can't speak English. So I can say she has a nice smile.
I have been off for 2 days knitting and knitting and doing nothing much else. I am fighting the crudes that have been floating thru the office for last few weeks. I will go back Monday. I even missed my Grandson's birthday dinner last nite. I did call him and we will go birthday shopping next week after school one day. I love doing that. I get more out of it then if I go birthday shopping alone. I get an hour or so selecting books or what ever their interest is now with just them. one on one.

The other news is Mother is leaving the Hospice House where she has been since Dec. 8th. It is amazing seeing her comeback. We honestly feared we were loosing her then. The Angels that work in Hospice House are amazing people who give with such love and care to both the patient, but to their families as well. My fear is she will be depressed at home without them. It will be nice for her to be home but she is out in the mtns away from town and all the friends who came to see her. Her friends were big in helping us with her comeback. I will be traveling back north on next week, but this time I will be driving.
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