A day of very little knitting. Household duties and repairs and a huge dose of lazy. Its Sunday. I did wade through the Sunday paper and all the ads before hauling it out to the garbage. I like getting that out of the way. Takes time away from knitting to do the Sunday paper. I have a bad rain gutter on my back deck. The contractor put up a temp mickey mouse rain gutter before he vanished from the landscape. Two years later the mickey mouse thingy is not working well. I am just not into household repair things. My tool bag has a roll of duct tape and a can of WD 40, one hammer and a couple screw drivers, that I only have as my Dad owned a parts store and there were lots in his garage. My idea here is if it moves and its not suppose to, duct tape it. If it doesn't move and it is suppose to, WD 40 it. Now duct tape isn't going to stop the leak in this rain gutter, and WD 40 is out of the question. So I found some yellow plastic cord in the garage, cut a piece off found some matches and melted the ends so it didn't fray. Tied the cord around the broken rain gutter, so it stays attached to house. Then I put a long 2x4 I found in back yard, left over from MIA contractor against it so gutter stays where it is suppose to. To hold that in place I used the metal table on deck braced against the 2x4. Got a picture of this? Of course I don't. You think I would share something that bad? We shall see if it holds up during next few days of storms.
On the knitty side of life, I worked on the top of some socks I had started a while back. I have 3 pairs of socks on needles and need to finish them before summer arrive
s. Tonights Grammy show will give me plenty of time to knit. I do want to see Police, with Sting open the show. It looks like I will go up to Mom's next Friday and come home on Monday. I need to help my brother get things ready to bring Mom home from Hospice House. She is trying hard not to be a cry baby. She is so use to where she is and fears moving back home. I have to upack some of her things and make her feel like she is back home. I will leave with one picture that is knitting related. Some Cherry Hill sock yarn in Old Rose colorway. Beautiful soft yarn. I am looking forward to knitting and wearing these socks.
1 comment:
OMG...Janice...I'm laughing so hard at your home repairs..However, it does sound as if your yellow plactic cord..2x4 and table will keep the gutter in place unless of course you have a very stong wind...laughing...
I think you need to let me know when your birthday is and I'll send you some tools to help with the home repairs....lol.
By the way, when ur finished with those socky's...I would expect a pic of you wearing them..laughing
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