A week since I last posted. I spent 2 wonderful days home over the weekend. Knitting, reading, and a little house work tossed in to keep me on top of things. I worked on a small baby cap and kimono that I will send to son and wife. It was knitted in white and as soon as I add the Icord ties I will put a photo on blog. This has become my record of knitting along with other things going on in my life. Both grandkids living near me have been sick with flu and now daughter is. I don't think I will go near them till winter is over and after I spray everyone with some Lysol. One person at work came into day with cold he has been fighting for a week or more. I need to take some clorex wipes to work tomorrow and clean phone and computer keyboard. I have started back to work on my Clapotis and am picking right up with pattern and seem to be able to remember most sections, so I don't have to follow stitch by stitch. That annoys me. I will soon go back north to see Mother. My brother and I will be moving her soon as she can't stay where she is any longer. She is doing so well and getting so much stronger its a shame to move her from that setting. I don't think she will be happy living with my brother and his wife but she does not want to go back to assisted care living again either.
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