A great nite of knitting with a big slice of cheesecake for everyone last nite!! Just what I needed when I am making slight attempts at eating healthy. A request of both kids. I skipped all classes ever offered on will power. I have none, zip, nada........ I did almost finish one small white baby hat and picked up the other 2 sks of yarn for a small sweater for a new born. I will get those done soon and shipped off east. I do need to lay down my needles and do a little mid winter yard clean up, while weather is good, and need to run a duster and vaccum the through out the house and wipe down a counter or 2. Buttttttt its just nice to sit and knit. Enjoy this pet. It is house broken, requires no feeding or sheds all over. Its just a cute view of yarn on the hoof.
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