Update: Oldest Granddaughter now lives in a group home in VA. I got to visit her there and see her new residents. It is a busy active place and yet she has her stuff around her and seems very comfortable. Oldest Grandson graduated high school and moved to Oregon to start his college life at University of Oregon in Eugene. He just completed his freshman year and is home for the summer. Second Granddaughter started high school, played Soccer and had a busy year. Third Grandson, started Roseville High School last fall and is also out for the summer and sometimes I get to see him at work. Fourth Grandson is in middle school in VA and is now playing Lacrosse. I got to watch one of his games last month when I visited in DC. Youngest Granddaughter is now as tall as me, and will finish up her schooling at Roseville Community School this next year. She is so pretty. And last but not least, the baby is now 2 and very busy. He is full of words and is a great little traveler. As you can see in this posts photo, he and I visited FAO Schwarz, in NYC. I have lots of photo's to post and more to tell about our trip later.
I am still working after 2 years at Filati Fine Yarns in Rocklin. I do love the job and work about 12 days a month. Lots of yarn and so little time!
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