1. Hold me, Rock me.
2. Feed me a bottle
3. Hold me.
4. Read "Babar" to me again.
5. Change my diapers.
6. Hold me.
7. Take me to the Yarn Shop so everyone else can hold me.
8. Feed me a bottle.
9. Read "Mother Goose" clear through.
10.Hold me.
11.Feed me another bottle.
12.Push the stroller to the used book store, again.
13.Rock me to sleep
14.Change my diaper.
15.Read "Goodnight Moon", again.
16.Feed me a bottle.
17.Take me to Eastern Market while she has a breakfast crepe at Sat. Market.
18.Rock me to sleep.
19.Change diapers... AGAIN.
20.Quit tryin to stuff me in her suitcase to see if I fit!!!!
signed/ Jackson S.T. aka JST
I just found your blog through Deedee's, and I just love you! I have 4 grandchildren, the youngest two are 4, the oldest two are 8 (my two kids just HAD to have their babies around the same time!) so there are no tiny ones any more. No more. No. More. Breaks my heart.
But I love those kids so much!
I live a couple of hours from DC; too bad I didn't find you soon enough to meet you! We're heading to Tennessee and North Carolina tomorrow for the weekend; we're taking my oldest granddaughter to California for two weeks this summer (as a bribe to get her to work harder and better at school--and it's working!!!).
Very cute!!! So when are you coming home?? Or are you going to leave everything behind and stay there forever? LOL
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