Your duty, as my faith few readers, is to help me decide what knitting to pack. I haven't thought of clothes yet, there is never a problem there. BUT knitting must be thought out. Do I take the yarn I have for a Lady Eleanor Entrelac Shawl? Do I take yarn I have for another sweater? Do I take all the yarn, like in my wildest dreams I will complete one item while there? ohhhhhhh the stress of it all.. What yarn to pack!! I of course will take a pair of socks to work on the plane trip as they never argue with me over 5 little bamboo needles. But the big piece will have to go in suitcase. Now we must also remember that airlines are limiting large pieces to 1 suitcase or they charge. Alright the choice is up to you guys. I expect answers and not laughter here. This is serious stuff.
I vote for a big mindless knitting project....so if Jack needs you when you are in the middle of the row, you can drop the knitting and run. Also, you may be somewhat sleep deprived while you're there, so you don't want anything you have to put too much thought into. And.......if you need something more complicated, I know there are yarn shops in DC.
Take only the bare necessities. Remember you said that there are some nice yarn shops back there and one is within walking distance. You can take little Jack for a walk occassionally. If you take small projects, two or three, you would feel as though you accomplished something. picking2go...
I agree completely with jillied and picking2gogranny! I love working on socks or a scarf on the plane...
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