To see who else......... THE YARN HARLOT.

This trip was all about the laughter. It started 3 blocks out when while waiting in line at fast food to get us fuel for the body. Felted drove the 'Toaster' and did a wonderful job. We arrived in Petaluma at 2 pm, only to discover the line had started into the book store already. Picked up our tickets and did a little walk around the area shopping. We found the LYS "The Knitterly" and what a sweet little store this is. The help was happy to see us. The yarns looked wonderful. Great place you have ladies. We walked away with our shopping bags full of some great local sock yarn, in a great color way. Same Sock Char and myself bought the same colorway. She will probably get hers knitted up before I do. We made a speedy trip to Whole Foods for some dinner to go and back in line in our chairs. Once again, I have managed to photograph Felted in the process of eating. This time I am posting it.
We were seated at 5 pm, left our knitting bags and off to find a Starbucks to load up on fuel we knew later would be needed to get us home. Back in time for to see Stephaine Pearl-Mcfee start right on time at 7 pm. I linked her blog to let you see her side of the evening.
Stephaine was everything funny and more. A more down to earth lady I have never seen. She had 200 plus people laughing from the opening till the end. During the book signing portion, she took time with each person. We felt like the special one for that moment. Stephaine you are one of a kind and I hope to see and hear you again. I will be first in line instead of 12th. Thank you for being all we were told about you. You instilled the fact we are a strong community in everyway. A group of knitters that are to be acknowledged for being a caring giving group of people. Who knit for charities, who face the world one stitch at a time and prove who we are.
The photo of SSChar, Felted and Stephaine is blurry. I tried to edit it and this is the best I could get. Sorry girls am posting it anyway. Live with it!!!!
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