Saturday, June 30, 2007
Can ya hear Willie Nelson singin.....On the Road Again

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Bump Sweater (close your eyes Kim)
I hope to finish front of sweater on trip north to Mothers on Sat. Thats a good 5 hours of non stop knitting. The sleeves are knitted side to side as is the top.
I didn't make it to knitting group today as I was to have the kids but that didn't work out. I will make it to Teaz tomorrow night for the Chicks with Sticks Meet up. Then Thursday is road trip day with Felted and SSChar. We are going to take in the 2 Elk Grove Yarn Shops and one in West Sacramento. Two of the 3 shops I have not been to. This is not a sit and knit day this is a see and wish day for yarns. I am looking for buttons for my next sweater. I just about know what I want and guess I should take the yarn with me to make sure. I also have my cable sweater to finish this fall and it will need 4 large buttons.
I am soooooo sure I am going to finish this 'Bump' sweater in next 8 days that I have packed up my Doctors Bag yarn and pattern. I would love to have that cast on by time we return.
I am lucky this trip that Jeff will be with me to help on a couple fronts. One Mother and her business that he can do. The other to give a slight break from time to time. I hope to sneak over to Ashland for a quick run through Websters. I love buying there as there is no tax in the state of Oregon. I should remember to make a list of needles and items I can purchase.
The below cartoon sort of expresses how I feel some days. Getting ready for subdivision inspection is driving me nuts. I just think I have the place ready and the wind blows leaves down, the shrubs decide to grow more for re pruning. Never ending!!!!!! How dare they. Ok, Kim you can open your eyes now.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
So much yarn so little time

In 2 weeks I will be going on another road trip north to Mothers. As it stands at this time, son will be flying out and driving me up and back. And that means 10 hours of free knitting time. That will get me some serious stitchin done. Plus the time at Mom's when we are just sitting around.
Today was a great day. Grandson is back working with us 3 days a week. It means Grammie gets to take him home at noon and we have commute time together. Next week is birthday shopping day and a trip to the theater with Granddaughter to see Nancy Drew. She is reading the books now I read as a child. My has Nancy grown up. She nows drives a fancier car, has a cell phone and uses a computer. So unlike the Nancy I remembered that just relied on Ned and Bes to help her solve the best mysteries. I am so proud of this Granddaughter. At 8 years old she and 2 of her friends had their long long hair cut off to donate for wigs for cancer patients. Pretty good for a small group of small girls. Granddaughter on east coast is playing soccer like a champ. You go girls.... love it!!! Sad to say only one of the two knits though.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Born Friends
You also don't realize till later in life how important these people are to you. Above is the photo of most of us in Mrs. Newton's Kindergarten Class. I was lucky. This is a group of small people who you really want for lifetime friends. Kindergarten was amazing, once I stopped crying that is. I was scared. I started when I was 4 1/2, having never been to what is now commonly called pre-school. We had stay at home Mom's. This fantastic group had been play mates and birthday party friends. Now I was in a strange place with a stranger in charge. It was flat out scary. My first memory of school was half way through the year and the day Mrs. Newton announced to the class "Isn't it nice that Janice doesn't cry anymore." I had been crying non stop for months. That teacher deserved a metal. My first boyfriend was Jim B. I saw Jim B. last week and all these years later we look at each other and laugh over this time. He arriving at my front door for Valentines Day with the biggest heart shaped box of chocolates a girl could ever wish for. While his mother and my mother smiled at each other over the tops of our heads. In the second grade we had Miss. Lilly. I have heard Jim tell the story of the day he kissed me on the cheek during the Pledge of Allegiance, and Miss Lilly picked up the yard stick and cracked him over the head, never missing a word. Most of us girls joined brownies about the 3rd grade. I still have pictures of us in our little uniforms. Some of the school pictures through out the years show us still in scouting. My new friend from Dunsmuir was Fran. She moved to Yreka when we were 8. Her mother along with mine became our scout leaders. There were others but I can't remember them all.
I remember play times with Susan T., Nana W. Danny B. They were not called play dates, they were just playing outside after school. The other activity I did was take tap dance lessons. My father alway referred to me as 'half step' cuz I was a half step behind the rest during dance recitals. We went to day camp in the summer, swimming lessons at the pool run by Sheryl's mother. Every day at 3 pm the pool would be cleared for us to get out and lay on our towels to prevent us from getting polio. It was a frightening time for this illness.
Mother has told me so many times when I was in the 5th Grade Mrs. Lange would call her saying she didn't know what to do with me. Mother said if she heard Mrs. Lange say one more time ' Janice just doodles the day away' she was going to move me to another class. I think a few other mothers heard the same story. We went on to finish grammer school and graduate to Yreka High School. My father had attended school here and the building was still standing. (amazing, huh Dad ?) My new locker buddy was a friend from Grenada who had come into the 'city ' to high school. Evie and I remained locker buddies for the entire high school years, I beleive. She joined our group of life long friends.
After graduation, most went off to college and a few of us choose to get married and have children. I choose the last. All in all we are a lucky bunch of people. We have all attended the reunions, and somewhere along the line about 10 years ago decided that wasn't enough. We needed to see more of each other. So about every 2 years we meet at Daralyn's home in Yreka. We laugh, we talk, we remember and we hug alot. What a group and what a lucky person I am to have them around.
The second picture posted is Fran, Susan T. and myself. I have several group shots of this kind. I also have one of me in my LIME green satin accordian shirt. Jim S. and I laugh when we think of us wearing those in public even. And yes, I still have my accordian even.
This is just a small part of the years of us that were 'Born Friends'.
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Monday, June 11, 2007
GUESS !!!!!!!!

YES!!!! An new grandchild. This makes my 7th. This is my Mother's 10th GreatGrand Child. I hope Grandma B gets a chance to hold the tiny one. I am so excited I am checking out all the following. I got this book on Sat. Its full of cute little mini items. I am guessing this will be great summer knitting. I will be thrilled when I find out if its a boy or a girl. Not for the Pink or Blue factor, but I have to know which side to put the button bands on.
The above sweater I started last night. I will hold off on the fronts till I know which way the buttons will go. I guess in my excitement I will be posting about the knitted items. Close your eyes Kim, so you don't see till I send them to you.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Yarn Harlot
To see who else......... THE YARN HARLOT.

This trip was all about the laughter. It started 3 blocks out when while waiting in line at fast food to get us fuel for the body. Felted drove the 'Toaster' and did a wonderful job. We arrived in Petaluma at 2 pm, only to discover the line had started into the book store already. Picked up our tickets and did a little walk around the area shopping. We found the LYS "The Knitterly" and what a sweet little store this is. The help was happy to see us. The yarns looked wonderful. Great place you have ladies. We walked away with our shopping bags full of some great local sock yarn, in a great color way. Same Sock Char and myself bought the same colorway. She will probably get hers knitted up before I do. We made a speedy trip to Whole Foods for some dinner to go and back in line in our chairs. Once again, I have managed to photograph Felted in the process of eating. This time I am posting it.
We were seated at 5 pm, left our knitting bags and off to find a Starbucks to load up on fuel we knew later would be needed to get us home. Back in time for to see Stephaine Pearl-Mcfee start right on time at 7 pm. I linked her blog to let you see her side of the evening.
Stephaine was everything funny and more. A more down to earth lady I have never seen. She had 200 plus people laughing from the opening till the end. During the book signing portion, she took time with each person. We felt like the special one for that moment. Stephaine you are one of a kind and I hope to see and hear you again. I will be first in line instead of 12th. Thank you for being all we were told about you. You instilled the fact we are a strong community in everyway. A group of knitters that are to be acknowledged for being a caring giving group of people. Who knit for charities, who face the world one stitch at a time and prove who we are.
The photo of SSChar, Felted and Stephaine is blurry. I tried to edit it and this is the best I could get. Sorry girls am posting it anyway. Live with it!!!!
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Socks, Shawls and Whales
For those that don't live in area but read this blog, the Whales moved out to sea last week and are on their trip north. They vacationed here for a little over 2 weeks and are healthier after a couple doses of antibiotics. The were unable to tag them so we will never know their ventures from here on out. I was amazed to see the changes in their skin texture when they started to move back into the salt water. The skin smoothed out and we were told the water would also help their wounds heal. Interesting what we learn when these things happen. Some are glad to have the port and Sacramento River back for recreation and fishing. Coast Guard Boats kept everyone with in 500 feet of the whales for safety.
Have a great week. Promise to try to post more often, maybe!