A lovely Mothers Day. My kids are the best. They married great people, have busy full lives. I have 6 super Grandkids. I couldn't be prouder. Yesterday was about family for most I beleive. I had great Ommpa Loompa made by Son In Law. Its a favorite from when my 2 were small children. We ate out by the pool in the new backyard they are working on. I had a lovely time. I got the above plant, lavender, which I just love and some fresh lemons off a tree in their back yard. Then daughter, granddaughter and myself were off to the nursery to select plants for both of our yards. I had such a nice day. Son called just before we ate. I talked to my Mother and she sounds stronger each day. I will so go back north to take care of her for a week. Family is all GREAT !!Friends is a differnt story, I made a new friend recently only to have the friendship go poof with out any explination. Feels strange at this age to have that happen. Guess we don't always understand.
These are the windows I promised a picture of. Yes the new windows were for the stuido. I love all the light this room has now. I am slowly putting the room back
together again. I like the looks. My wall will soon be done that is maked of boxes. Old and new. I am sealing some of the older ones now so they will be safe to store yarn in. I promise soon another photo of a completed room. I am also working on the Girl Friend Skirt for the small one. It is cute and I held it up yesterday so know it will fit. Also intend to block some completed projects this week.
Have a good one!!!!
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