Stitches was great!!! And no I didn't get any photo's. The yarns were wonderful, button booth with great buys and seeing that many people who have the same addiction I have, is always a thrill. Seeing so many in items they have created is like a knitting fashion show in its self. Felted wore her new red sweater and looked very sweet in it. Turned out great Felted! I wore a shawl I had made last summer and saw plenty of other shawls wandering the market place.
My purchases consisted of buying the 'Simple Style' book, 3 patterns for little jackets, buttons, and of course yarn. I finally settled on my yarn for the 'Lady Eleanor' Shawl and yarn for a cardigan. I don't believe that sales were as high this year as others. The lines for check out at Webs didn't seem as long and same for the Yarn Barn. I was told there were 10% fewer vendors this year. All in all we had a great day.