Wow! What a nap! Bought a new chair, sat down to knit and fell asleep mid stitch. The nagging of a few friends woke me. They had some problem with seeing the same blog date and picture of a new chair everytime the checked up on me. Most people are very happy when a friend doesn't talk all the time. I tried to give you all a good break from me, but a few of you are great with the nagging, poor husbands. (you know who you are)
I don't know how life got so busy that 6 weeks have flown by. I guess I didn't have anything to say. I have done a little watching of the world pass in front of my eyes with great wonderment where its all going to lead. Wall Street in free fall, and nobody owning a parachute is enough to scare a me. Then the election mess. Lordy Lordy, did anyone else know that Mr. McCain was so nasty mean? I missed that about him. He seems to be lacking some gray matter which they say dimishes with age. Seventy two must be an age that it is noticable. I started noticing how bad off he was when he brought someone down that was safe guarding our border with Russia, and gave her a mic. She has struggled with learning the english language, but seems to have a grasp on how to stir a crowd into a near riot.
For us locals who just can't see enough of hand dyed yarn at the local shops, we gathered up our tools, bought some bare wool and a few dyes, some containers to put it all in and below is the results. M. had dyed one other time so we selected her our leader. She made us dress up in masks and gloves and there we were in Felted's back yard looking like very scary scientist's from a poorly made Mel Brooks movie. We could dress like this for Halloweenie and scare small children.
This is 3 skeins of lace weight yarn. I thought I was using a dark gray, light gray and some brown. What I got was dark blue, light gray and chestnut brown. Now this is not what I visulized as I was laying this all out. But I like what I got. You all know how I am about blue and gray. The brown is a much different brown than I first thought. But someday I will reach for it and have a shawl
The below yarn is a sock yarn. Tell me friends, who nag I don't wear enough color, will this work for you. I will be ask to remove my socks at a movie theater, as they glow in the dark!!!!
The experience of dying was great. I learned alot about mixing colors and how much of the dye you use has a great impact on items that you choose to wear and not stand out like a neon sign!!The Queen of Gauge and myself had lunch the other day with the Head Frog and her side kick MM. It was great catching up with them. Both are busy and its not often we all click on a day that we can take 2 hour lunch and knit together. MM I am so thinking of you this month and know the time is moving fast towards your wedding. I will be waiting for photo's. My hugss and best wishes to you and S.
What is a posting to my blog without an update on the man in my life. He is now 7 months old and sitting up. Here he is with a new friend. I just know he is asking his father, "How do I know she is a girl and does she like me?"