Below is a picture of Jackson looking shocked to realize he has more hair than his Dad. See what you have to look forward to Jackson? Not to worry dear Grammie will knit you a wig.
Below is a picture of Jackson looking shocked to realize he has more hair than his Dad. See what you have to look forward to Jackson? Not to worry dear Grammie will knit you a wig.
report that Auntie M survived the trip and even held her own with the rest of us.
Somehow in this busy busy day, I missed a photo of SSChar who also was present and acted as the official assistant to the driver. Reading maps and the first to inform the actual driver she was going the wrong way and was lost!! She took a lot of pressure off those of us in the back seat that were just along for the ride. Please forgive me SSChar for no photo, I think it was cuz you were always hiding out in the restrooms.
The class consisted of learning to read Japanese patterns which come along with these yarns. They are very simply defined patterns and once you understand the concept of reading one it leads to simplified knitting. Any pattern could be converted to one page if written in this style. Below are the samples of a jacket pattern. ALL of the pattern is one page with the second page being a work sheet of rows. You write in when the increases and decreases are. THATS IT!! The drawing of the item has all the wording a person would ever need. I wish I could explain this fully to you. I grasp the idea but not how to share it.