Friday, January 18, 2008
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Fun Fun Fun
I am here today to report I am really a knitter. After days of doubts and confirming those that thought I was really faking this knitting thing, I am off and running on the Oblique pattern. I had the assistance of the 'Knitting Guru' and things fell into place. She saved me again. But I think her driving force was my comment that I would be selling my stash on the curb as I was a failure. I have to say I am enjoying this sweater now and have passed the first decrease. Everything is coming together. I know I will stumble again, lots of pattern to keep track of, but I am enjoying it today.
Yesterday was fun, I took the 'Knitting Guru' to lunch and knitting with Felted, the Gauge Queen and our long lost missing knitter CC. Little Cathy we missed you. We were very happy to see CC as she has been missing for a couple months now. She also announced she is headed to Paris, France this spring and how did she locate yarn shops there. Well CC your first option is GET A COMPUTER. Then you can check on line! She is one of the last hold outs in this world on going techno...... but I know she has heard this from all her friends and rolls her eyes at us when we suggest it. We also stopped at the local Library to check out books on tape. Since TV sucks so bad, with the writers strike, and there are a few long Sundays of knitting at home, I will start listening to some books I have not had time to read. My first choice is James Patterson's Beach Road. Looking forward to this as it is 7 hours long. That should count for lots of stitches on the Oblique.
I have no pictures to post as again I haven't gotten batteries for camera. I promise its coming. SOON
Sunday, January 13, 2008
We will now return to our regularly scheduled program
A few items I did for myself right after the holiday knitting was completed was the hat I call "My Hat"..... original would you not say. I was happy to have this fast knit up. Pattern came with purchase of yarn from Auburn Needleworks. The yarn is the bulky from Brown Sheep. Let me tell ya when its windy and chilly out you can feel the warmth in this hat. Love'n it.
The second item I finished, but had started in early December, were a pair of Monkey Socks. Great pattern from These were designed by CookieA and seem to be appearing on all blogs. Of course I have to try things that others are talking about. I want to test myself on these new items. At times its a good thing at other times I wonder a lot 'WHAT WAS I THINKING'.
The bottom two photo's here are the sweaters I made for Granddaughter and Daughter for Christmas. I made GD's out of some very strong Lions Brand yarn. Sometimes kids items end up laying around a lot on the school play ground. I wanted this sweater to survive!
It will survive and it fit her perfect.
The last is the Flair sweater from Knit and Tonic.
Sweet little sweater that was an easy knit and Daughter says people stop and ask her about it. Even when she is working in a dress shop. Surprising!
Now you ask, did I make resolutions for the New Year. NOPE. Will knit what I can when I can. I do intend to knit out of stash as much as possible and will keep let you know the few items I have planned already on next post or so. No commitments here..... nope. might break them again.
I also will be posting a picture of the cool gift I got from my exchange partner at Chicks with Sticks. I had fun putting my package together for Dana and even baking for her. My camera is currently out of batteries so these things shall wait.
Hurry up Felted, swatch and cast on for Oblique!!!! Am waiting.
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