Happy Holidays Everyone!!!!
I am sailing along, almost 1/2 way done, of Mothers scarf. It is a simple Ann Norling pattern called..... Simple Lace. Its so simple I don't need to have the pattern with me even. I can knit on it and even watch TV. Well...... as long as I don't watch the DNC. I had to stop and tink back as I watched BO speak last Thursday night.
Am off to knit knit knit!!!
Knitting life has been slow, as working in a yarn shop tends to slow down needle time at home. I love working there but admit to nights when I get home and the most I do is look at my needles and not touch them. I do love "Fondling the Cashmere", which is my job title at the yarn shop, but like so many I see so much yarn and know there is so little time. The shop I have been working at for past 2 months is Filati Fine Yarns. It is a beautiful shop full of some of the most beautiful yarns a person could ever wish to see and fondle. The staff is experienced with any knitting tips a person could ever wish for or need. AB is wonderful with lace and inspired me to knit the red scarf for mother. The Queen of Swatch, is a total math whiz and stretches my mind to look at options when it comes to knitting. Both have made things, that take your breath away. Then there is the owner, I call her the Real Janice. She is at ease with yarn and needles, as most of us stumbling through the yarn world, wish to be. Her knowledge on her shop is amazing. She knows every yarn and can pull a pattern, from the past published ones and current publications, that amaze you. This week we have a new person joining us, and as excited as I am to have her working with me, the fact is our schedules are opposite each other and I will probably see less of her. Fall goodies are being ordered and their arrival to the shop will be an early Christmas for us to open and stock. The fall colors are breath taking. The new yarns and colors will be a delight to 'fondle' as I help put them out. Publications coming in, will inspire anyone who likes sticks and string.
So if you missing me in my usual knitting groups, you know where to find me. The schedule should be established in next few weeks, and I have great hopes of returning to some of my knitting groups. Patience!!
Last week Felted and I did what was called a short road trip. We went to Ikea. Now that is enough distance away from home for me to claim it a road trip that needs plans.... maps, someone leading me there so I find my way back. We found just the chair I wanted, along with a super size ottoman that is a BIG storage factor. What knitter doesn't need storage.? I had to think it over but now realize I am not doing any knitting as I can't find a comfort zone. Time to replace the old girl and give her a quiet trip to chair heaven. I will be shopping and bring home my new knitting zone chair as soon as I have time and transportation back to Ikea.
I have finished another pink t shirt type summer top. I haven't had photo's of it but will try for one later today as I am wearing it to work this afternoon. The summer sale at the shop has kept me very busy so coming home and fondling yarn has not happened. I do have my Christmas knitting plan in place and yarn waiting for me. Daughter, Mother and grandson are the winners of this year's knitted presents. Grandson's gift has the back done and a good start on the front. It is perfect knitting in the over 100 degrees we are having. But I am ready to pull out the wool and do sweaters again, mainly starting on Daughters gift.
I have also started another part time, temp job. I am work 2 days a week with friends at my LYS, giving the owners time to search for a full time employee. I like this job, maybe because I know its temp and its only 2 afternoons a week. But by Friday afternoon I can feel those hours. I do enjoy watching others shop and what they are knitting. I am also taking this job as a short semester at the college of knitting. I am learning that gauge thing better and also taking in all the colors possible in the world. I also like to think of it as 'Fondling the Cashmere'.
Below is a picture of Jackson looking shocked to realize he has more hair than his Dad. See what you have to look forward to Jackson? Not to worry dear Grammie will knit you a wig.
report that Auntie M survived the trip and even held her own with the rest of us.
Somehow in this busy busy day, I missed a photo of SSChar who also was present and acted as the official assistant to the driver. Reading maps and the first to inform the actual driver she was going the wrong way and was lost!! She took a lot of pressure off those of us in the back seat that were just along for the ride. Please forgive me SSChar for no photo, I think it was cuz you were always hiding out in the restrooms.
The class consisted of learning to read Japanese patterns which come along with these yarns. They are very simply defined patterns and once you understand the concept of reading one it leads to simplified knitting. Any pattern could be converted to one page if written in this style. Below are the samples of a jacket pattern. ALL of the pattern is one page with the second page being a work sheet of rows. You write in when the increases and decreases are. THATS IT!! The drawing of the item has all the wording a person would ever need. I wish I could explain this fully to you. I grasp the idea but not how to share it.