Where have I been for a week you ask? No where, but knitting lots. Hot on the needles is Flair. This is a pattern from Wendy @ Knit and Tonic. This is an easy knit top down cute little jacket. Am ready to put sleeves on waste yarn and start on body. Knitting this out of stash.... Araucania Nature Wool Chunky. Colorway teal. Mindless knitting is just what I need lately. My mind wanders to far from home to take on detail patterns. This is so fast and easy I do have another one in mind for a Christmas present. Wendy writes a nice easy to read pattern, and has a few she has written on her blog.
My next show and tell for the last day of Sept. is this Cascade 128. Its in a dark gray colorway that is being discontinued by Cascade. I love knitting with this yarn works up easy and fast and feels like a dream. Not sure what sweater this will be yet but couldn't pass up the great price at my LYS. Its alway nice to find enough for a sweater on a sale table.
The last two items for new baby. Hat to match the already posted sweater. I seem to have not realized I had another skein of this yarn as it yelled at me from my shelf.... HAT HAT HAT..... so that is an evenings knitting this week. The box of goodies to go back east to the new baby is just about complete. The sock pic is the last little tiny pair of socks to get knitted for him. Again this is a fast one evening knit.

The final picture of the day is my real find of the week. The neighborhoods semi annual yard sale was Friday and Saturday. I work in the mornings and thought it a relief I would not be shopping at the sales. As I returned home at noon I figured it would be safe to make a couple stops at houses. Well first stop and with in 3 mins I had bought 2 trunks for $10.00. One very old covered in canvas with some of the leather straps missing. But otherwise in great shape. The second is a metal small newer trunk. Both are good for Yarn stash storage. As I made 2 fast trips around the neighborhood bringing home the trunks I made a terrible find..... the above 2 wicker chairs. These are vintage I would say. Some glue, to refasten the wicker and lots of white paint will be required. I took them out of the garage this morning and sprayed them down good with some bug stuff. I know wicker can carry bugs around. I will not be finishing these up till I get the roof on the back deck. Then they will be there along with a small white table that also needs painting.... working and putting this house back together seems to never end.
I had a great dinner last night with my 2 grandkids and son in law. I always love my time with them. Then Shelby turned 13 today. She lives on the east coast and also lives for soccer. She ordered a hat for her birthday. Now to find out what style and what color and of course it won't get delivered today. Happy Birthday my soccer playing granddaughter.