Sunday, December 09, 2007
The Revolt of Duncan

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Knitting and more Knitting

This is a sweater from Knitty.com . A great pattern that Felted and I are doing as a knit along. That is the formal name for it, really its a support system to make a person complete things with in a timely manner. That is what I need most. I have gotten the yarn. Katmandu in the same color way, browns, blacks, that I knitted up one of my Christmas Gifts out of. Great feeling yarn and works up well.
Felted has to order her yarn yet, but there is time. We have 3 weeks of December to finish Christmas items.
I also intend to pick up the Doctor's Bag and finish it. One side of the bag is completed the other cast on. I am so familiar with the pattern now it should knit up faster. I have not bought the lining for this bag yet but there is time during the January sales to do this. It feels good to getting back into the UFO's and think of a sweater sitting here bagged up and waiting for me.
We had a great time at Felted's house last Sunday. "Scones and Skeins". Good food, lots of laughs and a good deal of rows completed on one gift. We talked patterns, things we all dream of knitting and poured over a stack of her knitting books. Its fun to see others books and patterns. Ideas just accumulate on projects.
Today we had 3 of us at the Tuesday knitting meet up. The Swatch Queen, Felted and myself. We need to get our others back into the groove of meeting. We miss CC and Little Cathy, MM and the Head Frog. Today we were actually able to sit outside in the sun and relax in the great weather.
Keep those needles going. Three weeks left!!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
In An Attempt........

1. ________ for Mother. Yarn in stash.
2. ________ for Son. Completed (yippie)
3. ________ for Daughter. (3/4's done)
4. ________ for Granddaughter #1
5. ________ for Granddaughter #2 (yarn purchased)
6. ________ for Grandson #1 (haven't a clue what it will be)
7. ________ for
8. ________ ENOUGH!!!!!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
It Fits!!!
Monday, November 05, 2007
How Time Flys By
Flair for daughter is cast on. I picked a brown yarn for her also as it seems to be her favorite color. This yarn is Paton's with some orange and yellow flecks in it. My Flair sweater has been set aside till I complete 3 Christmas gifts. I am attempting to avoid last minute panic..... or as I did one year, "out sourcing' my knitting to make the deadline.
My package of baby items including a 'Bump Sweater' for daughter in law was shipped last Monday and due to arrive today in DC. I wish I could see their faces when they open the package. I managed to get 3 sweaters, 3 hats, 3 pairs of socks, along with a few items I bought for the soon to be newest member of the family.
Finally... what you see to the left is myself and Franklin Habit from The Panopticon Blog. The Camellia City Stockinettes, contacted Franklin and invited him to Sacramento to photograph knitters in this area for his book "1000 Knitters". Not only am I please to possibly be part of this book, I was delighted to meet the nicest man who I felt I knew very well from 2 years of reading his blog. This yarn world is strange. When you know someone knits, and you follow their fiber lives on a blog, you have an immediate comfort when you meet. Franklin you were just great. I am only sorry Dolores had a touch of illness,(Franklin mentioned her and something about the bar at the hotel the night before), hope the flight home made things better for her. Next time Dolores!!
Friday, October 19, 2007
Put it in Writing, does it really happen?

Monday, October 15, 2007
Things that go bump in the night
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Friends and one more done!!
My knitting news consists of finishing the EZ Baby Surprise Sweater. Yes, another one done for the soon to be new addition in our family. I love the buttons they are little mittens. And what does a Grandmother knit if there is left over yarn? Another hat of course! This baby will be warm living in cold Washington D.C. Next project is the last hat to go along with the other sweater I knitted earlier this summer. THEN I AM DONE WITH BABY KNITS!!!
Time to move on to other projects I have on needles. I am anxious to finish up my Doctors Bag and my Flair sweater. Then I have a few small things I would love to get done before the holidays. I said I wasn't going to knit for family this year.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
The Wheels On The Bus Go Round n' Round
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Car Cover anyone?

Monday, September 10, 2007
Please Remember

On the knitting front, I have finished another small hat and socks set for the new baby. They are so cute and miniature looking I don't want to even send them off. I just want to look at them and how tiny they are. On the needles now is a top down cardigan for a 9-12 month old. I am knitting this in a dark blue with the cutest little school bus buttons. I am trying to plan for a early spring baby, so he will have something to wear the following winter. This is the new Cotton Ease yarn, which is great and easy to knit with.
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Monday, September 03, 2007
Hot! Heat! and Socks
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Results are in !!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Yarn Crawl
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Not One Stitch Knitted !!
Back to knitting. Still working on the doctor's bag, which I finally got a part of a picture posted on my Ravelry profile. I do love that Ravelry site but it sure can eat up computer time when you are surfing around on it. I have several WIP, that I am promising all you readers, that are on my completion list. If I promise here is that like taking a oath and do I hold up 2 fingers like I did in Brownie Scouts? If so I am so committed. The Motto for Knitting Scouts should be 'KNIT ON'. (so glad there is no uniform involved) Thank you one and all for holding my feet to the flame on these items.
Off to catch up on laundry and figure out where I am with the sticks and string.
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Knitting Continued, Car out of Jail
The last bit of news is...... see the photo above.... yes! I am back on the highway to Mom's tomorrow. I always show you Mt. Shasta because that is my destination and I start watching for it about 150 from there. In clear weather you can see it first from Corning, California. Will be a short trip this time, just long enough to take care of Mother's business. See ya next week. Maybe have pictures even.
I am happy to report the car is out of jail, and almost off probation. The drive north will tell me how it goes.
Monday, August 13, 2007
No Picture Post, Stash and Cars
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Under the Influence

Sunday, July 29, 2007
Nottin' of Importance

Strange week. Doctor said take it easy and so I did. I was working on Pure and Simple top down Henley pattern with some Paton's Cotton Top yarn (that I got free at the yarn frenzy last fall). I was knitting the body part in the round and it was great mindless, pain medicated knitting.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Knitting Friends

A while back I wrote about childhood friends. Another group of people have entered my life. Knitting Friends. I have to say since moving down to Roseville from Nevada City, I have joined a rather large and interesting group of Knitters. The first friend here, I met through a Forum called Knitters Review. She later went on to own the LYS and had to close do to family demands. I still think of her as the Head Frog. At her shop I met other knitters, some knitting for years, some beginners. I think I was in the middle range of knitters. We 'ran' into each other every Tues afternoon. Would knit and laugh together for hours. Days moved into weeks and then into months and as you went in and out of the LYS, you met others. By the time the Frog Pond closed its doors there was a good size group of knitters tied together by a common thread........ Yarn. Nothing more just yarn. We come in all ages, sizes, shapes, from assorted backgrounds. Some we learn first names and never last names. A few of us struggle to keep knitting groups going. Sometimes it succeeds, other times it flounders. We just have not found our little circle of chairs and sofa that we had at the Frog Pond, with the right light, within a comfortable to all driving distance.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Back on Track

The rest of the knitting sits here and stares back at me. So many thing I want to make. I do have some stash cotton yarn I got in the yarn frenzy at the knitting guru's house last fall. I am eyeing it on the shelf for a top down Henley Sweater for myself. A free sweater. I do have some other yarn from that day that I need to sort through and lay out some plans for.
The heavy yard work is finally a thing of the past, now its maintain. The huge thorny shrubs out back are way down and cleared up underneath. Walking along the house in the back is not long a tortured trek. For that am glad. We woke to clouds today and a sprinkling of rain. Its only about 85 degrees today. It makes me long for fall and hope we don't go back into the 100 plus weather that makes you want to hide under the bed with little or nothing on to maintain your sanity. I guess I will never get use to the heat again. I am also busy working with the contractor to replace 4 more windows before winter. One is extremely large and is a whole wall from counter to ceiling, in the kitchen. I am loving home more and more with each project completion. I still have painting I need to do in places but it will happen when the mood so moves me.
I am back to giving grandson a ride home from work each day at noon. I can't tell you how sweet that 20 minute commute is with him. Little short chat that makes me feel like I am apart of his life. The best kid ever. The grands on the east coast are going to summer camps. I hope I see them again before the end of the year. They have grown up so fast on me.

Friday, July 13, 2007
Mtns, Babies and old Friends
The small bootie shoes above were a fast to knit up once I had my favorite knitting guru go through the instructions with me. I was having trouble translating the pattern through my brain to my fingers. (also known as operator error) These were made on size 10 double point needles. I may try another pair on smaller needles.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Re entry to my life

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Can ya hear Willie Nelson singin.....On the Road Again

Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Bump Sweater (close your eyes Kim)
I hope to finish front of sweater on trip north to Mothers on Sat. Thats a good 5 hours of non stop knitting. The sleeves are knitted side to side as is the top.
I didn't make it to knitting group today as I was to have the kids but that didn't work out. I will make it to Teaz tomorrow night for the Chicks with Sticks Meet up. Then Thursday is road trip day with Felted and SSChar. We are going to take in the 2 Elk Grove Yarn Shops and one in West Sacramento. Two of the 3 shops I have not been to. This is not a sit and knit day this is a see and wish day for yarns. I am looking for buttons for my next sweater. I just about know what I want and guess I should take the yarn with me to make sure. I also have my cable sweater to finish this fall and it will need 4 large buttons.
I am soooooo sure I am going to finish this 'Bump' sweater in next 8 days that I have packed up my Doctors Bag yarn and pattern. I would love to have that cast on by time we return.
I am lucky this trip that Jeff will be with me to help on a couple fronts. One Mother and her business that he can do. The other to give a slight break from time to time. I hope to sneak over to Ashland for a quick run through Websters. I love buying there as there is no tax in the state of Oregon. I should remember to make a list of needles and items I can purchase.
The below cartoon sort of expresses how I feel some days. Getting ready for subdivision inspection is driving me nuts. I just think I have the place ready and the wind blows leaves down, the shrubs decide to grow more for re pruning. Never ending!!!!!! How dare they. Ok, Kim you can open your eyes now.
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
So much yarn so little time

In 2 weeks I will be going on another road trip north to Mothers. As it stands at this time, son will be flying out and driving me up and back. And that means 10 hours of free knitting time. That will get me some serious stitchin done. Plus the time at Mom's when we are just sitting around.
Today was a great day. Grandson is back working with us 3 days a week. It means Grammie gets to take him home at noon and we have commute time together. Next week is birthday shopping day and a trip to the theater with Granddaughter to see Nancy Drew. She is reading the books now I read as a child. My has Nancy grown up. She nows drives a fancier car, has a cell phone and uses a computer. So unlike the Nancy I remembered that just relied on Ned and Bes to help her solve the best mysteries. I am so proud of this Granddaughter. At 8 years old she and 2 of her friends had their long long hair cut off to donate for wigs for cancer patients. Pretty good for a small group of small girls. Granddaughter on east coast is playing soccer like a champ. You go girls.... love it!!! Sad to say only one of the two knits though.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Born Friends
You also don't realize till later in life how important these people are to you. Above is the photo of most of us in Mrs. Newton's Kindergarten Class. I was lucky. This is a group of small people who you really want for lifetime friends. Kindergarten was amazing, once I stopped crying that is. I was scared. I started when I was 4 1/2, having never been to what is now commonly called pre-school. We had stay at home Mom's. This fantastic group had been play mates and birthday party friends. Now I was in a strange place with a stranger in charge. It was flat out scary. My first memory of school was half way through the year and the day Mrs. Newton announced to the class "Isn't it nice that Janice doesn't cry anymore." I had been crying non stop for months. That teacher deserved a metal. My first boyfriend was Jim B. I saw Jim B. last week and all these years later we look at each other and laugh over this time. He arriving at my front door for Valentines Day with the biggest heart shaped box of chocolates a girl could ever wish for. While his mother and my mother smiled at each other over the tops of our heads. In the second grade we had Miss. Lilly. I have heard Jim tell the story of the day he kissed me on the cheek during the Pledge of Allegiance, and Miss Lilly picked up the yard stick and cracked him over the head, never missing a word. Most of us girls joined brownies about the 3rd grade. I still have pictures of us in our little uniforms. Some of the school pictures through out the years show us still in scouting. My new friend from Dunsmuir was Fran. She moved to Yreka when we were 8. Her mother along with mine became our scout leaders. There were others but I can't remember them all.
I remember play times with Susan T., Nana W. Danny B. They were not called play dates, they were just playing outside after school. The other activity I did was take tap dance lessons. My father alway referred to me as 'half step' cuz I was a half step behind the rest during dance recitals. We went to day camp in the summer, swimming lessons at the pool run by Sheryl's mother. Every day at 3 pm the pool would be cleared for us to get out and lay on our towels to prevent us from getting polio. It was a frightening time for this illness.
Mother has told me so many times when I was in the 5th Grade Mrs. Lange would call her saying she didn't know what to do with me. Mother said if she heard Mrs. Lange say one more time ' Janice just doodles the day away' she was going to move me to another class. I think a few other mothers heard the same story. We went on to finish grammer school and graduate to Yreka High School. My father had attended school here and the building was still standing. (amazing, huh Dad ?) My new locker buddy was a friend from Grenada who had come into the 'city ' to high school. Evie and I remained locker buddies for the entire high school years, I beleive. She joined our group of life long friends.
After graduation, most went off to college and a few of us choose to get married and have children. I choose the last. All in all we are a lucky bunch of people. We have all attended the reunions, and somewhere along the line about 10 years ago decided that wasn't enough. We needed to see more of each other. So about every 2 years we meet at Daralyn's home in Yreka. We laugh, we talk, we remember and we hug alot. What a group and what a lucky person I am to have them around.
The second picture posted is Fran, Susan T. and myself. I have several group shots of this kind. I also have one of me in my LIME green satin accordian shirt. Jim S. and I laugh when we think of us wearing those in public even. And yes, I still have my accordian even.
This is just a small part of the years of us that were 'Born Friends'.